The quality of the PhD course is continuously monitored at various levels:
– Ministerial level (Agenzia nazionale di valutazione del sistema universitario e della ricerca – ANVUR)
– University level (Presidio di qualità di Ateneo – PQA)
– PhD Course level
At the PhD Course level, the Coordinator relies on the help of four responsible authorities to yearly monitor the outcomes of the course and identify appropriate corrective actions:
Rappresentante dei Dottorandi
A PhD student, elected by his/her peers, responsible for representing the students’ interests by raising issues and making proposals during decisional meetings.
Collegio Docenti
The Council of the PhD Course. Responsible for the organization of all the study and research activities of the Course.
Comitato Consultivo
A group of representatives from industries and companies of the same geographical area of the PhD course, plus a group of expert scholars from international universities and/or research institutions. Their role is that of helping the Coordinator in shaping the PhD course’s contents to reflect the needs of the international labour market.
- Silvio Olivastri (BPER Banca, Modena)
- Marco Solieri (Minerva Systems SRL, Modena)
- Paolo Lombardi (, Modena)
- Cosimo Fiorini (Ammagamma, Modena)
- Paolo Missier (Newcastle University, UK)
- Davide Bertozzi (University of Manchester, UK)
- Giuseppe Longobardi (University of York, UK)
Gruppo di Riesame
A restricted group of members from the Doctoral Council responsible for helping the Coordinator in conducting the yearly quality ensurance procedures.
- Andrea Marongiu (FIM)
- Federica Mandreoli (FIM)
- Luca Ferretti (FIM)
- Cristina Guardiano (DCE)
- Veronica Gabrielli (DCE)
- Damiano Razzoli (DCE)
- Andrea Artioli (Rappresentante dei Dottorandi)